Envirox™ Chlorine Dioxide Systems
Envirox Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) generation system was designed with safety, reliability, and ease of use in mind. Available in the healthcare and hospitality industry, this single-precursor ClO2 generation system can help reduce risks due to waterborne pathogens.

Advantages of Chlorine Dioxide
- Highly effective biocide at low concentrations
- Excellent biofilm penetration
- 2.5 times the oxidizing capacity of bleach
- pH independent
- Lower corrosion rates
- No environmentally concerning by-products

Innovative Technology
- Single Precursor
- No acid or bleach required, which means less chemical pails or drums to handle and dispose of
- Built in safety features like a ClO2 sensor and a UV destruct light
- NSF Certified

Peace of Mind
Reducing your risk in your building water systems.

Key Considerations When Implementing Chlorine Dioxide in Water Pre-Treatment Applications
Chlorine dioxide applications in water pre-treatment require careful planning and protocols in order to ensure the solution is implemented effectively and safely. Ecolab Technical Expert Matt Cashner walks through the benefits CIO2 can provide across brewery operations with the right considerations.